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Top League-of Legends Player Kaostanzas Talon Jungle Guide for LOL

League of Legends Patch 11.18 brought great changes to the jungle pool, as assassinics such as Qiyana, Talon and Zed received all bonus damage against monsters. Now the trio can keep up with the clear velocities of established picks and at the same time can use an incredibly strong goredrinker that fits down in the jungle.

From the three, Talon has so far been the most popular, with The Blade s Shadow exploded since the first buffs in the jungle presence. Now, however, we have arrived Lol-Patch 11.21, his viability has had a slightly easier after the gentle revision of goredrinkers. In fact, so, his pick and ban-rate rates have fallen significantly in Platinum + - although he is still one of the most unlocked younglers in the game. Fortunately for budding Talon Jungle players, we tapped the master father of the Talon Jungle. Chaostanz , also known as Kaos, for his thoughts on how to play Talon after these basic changes.

After Kaos Talon had picked up for the first time after his revision in season 7, he started to lead him in the top track. He says, however, that he knew he would not always be a good choice, so he brought him to the jungle for the first time in Season 8.

Now, in Season 11, Kaos , Raiden-Shogun C2 The account has reached its highlight in the EU West several times in the EU West and lies at the time of writing at the top of the LOL ranks. With the impressive reverses of the player you will find everything you need to know to play Talon Jungle for the Nerfs of Conqueror and Goredrinker.

When should you choose the Talon Jungle and when you avoid him?

When should you look for Talon in the jungle? Well, unfortunately, as Kaos, the Talon Jungle did not have the cleanest synergy with every champion due to the chunky nature of his kits. Apart from that, there are some general tail rules where he feels most comfortable.

Every champion who offers good benefit, set it up and essentially can have fun, is really good for the solo queue, says Kaos. The most prominent example of this we have seen in the professional game is the infamous Yuumi bag. Of course, no one was happy to see Yuumi on the World Cup stage, but she is certainly an option ...

Petition for ban on Yuumi & Talon Welten2021

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  • Cloud9 (@ cloud9) 11 . October 2021

In addition, Kaos says that champions without resources (eg Twisted Fate, Galio and Ashe), AP champions with high damage (eg Heimerdinger, Carthus and Sylas) and Champions, which can hold a siege good, good Fit in a talon composition.

On the other hand, you do not want to record Talon in Comps with Champions, which can either lock it or counteract his camouflage. The last thing a talon wants to see is a bard or Qiyana, both of which have the ability to turn his terrain advantage against him.

Talon Jungle Build Patch 11.21

Goredrinker was a problem item in season 11 for various reasons. Most recently, Goredrinker was reworked with patch 11.21 to a pure racket object, which was mythical for most melee-champions regardless of their role of the mythical.

As Kaos emphasized, Goredrinker was so strong in attests, because it is essentially the damage of an assassin, but with an absurd superviability, especially during the early and middle play . The object gave attenses due to health, which he supplied with Spite, greater fault tolerances. Since these safety functions are now no longer accessible to assassins, it is time for a change.

The build, which Kaos is now recommending and who has continued for most of the season despite the spread of goredrinkers, because, and we quote: I m too proud and enjoy talon in this way, revolves around the construction of Eclipse as a core of myth - but only after you finish Youmuus Ghostblade and Animal 2 Boots for the first time. Here is the central Talon Jungle Build for Patch 11.21.

Talon Jungle Items Patch 11.21

Youmuus ghost blade Ionian boots of clarity Darkness Black axe Seryldas Groll Situational

Eclipse is a very different game style that normally turns around Picks by using ranged-q and the consequence of the sequence to trigger the passivity of the subject, so they have control at that moment, says Kaos. It has more front-loaded damage, scales pretty well and can help you to trigger your (p) blade s end in skirmishes.

However, this build includes some warnings. It takes a lot of humor to notes Kaos, and from the moment in which you decide to make the kill, you must already know how to play the persecution or dissolves. He also says that the Taking Seryldas resentment halved the value of Eclipse s passive, although it is still the best shot.

Kaos has used efficiently lately also Prowler s Claw - another mythical option that uses the player at the beginning of the season. This seems to be an even riskier option as the shield and the movement speed of Eclipses passive against more All-In-potential be exchanged. If you want to have a full glass cannon, then Kaos see the Combined advice for below.

???????????????????????? - have sowwy no recording software ????

Talon - claw combo Marauder - 1 W First -> Prowler -> Flower

CLIP: W - PrCl secondary goal - Q + R aa -PrCl is used to fill a gap, to secure a combo with full coverage from a distance -Less damage as a melee combo

  • Chaostanza | Engel (@Kaostanza) 15 . January 2021

As for Rune says Kaos that Dark Harvest, Electrocute and phase Rush runes that you might want to pay attention. The Nerfs Conqueror were indeed thick, but he says it could still have a place. Most of the time since Nerf has Kaos either Dark Harvest operated or dipped his claws into Conqueror. Below is a sample page that Kaos has used.

Talon jungle runes patch 21.11


Dark Harvest (Keystone) Sudden impact Eyeball Collector Ingenious hunters


Nimbus Cloak Water Hiking

statistics Shards

Adaptive force Adaptive force Armor

Finally, you should choose for Summoner always smashing and Ignite - a combination that Kaos has even made popular in season. 8

tips for playing Talon Jungle

Kaos advice for climbing the ranks in LoL-Talon jungle is simple: Play selfish and hope that people decently Draften.

If each path requires resources, it will not be fun. If an opportunity arises in which you can exchange the death of a teammate against Kills, use them. It makes no sense to choose Talon when you play to avoid games, instead of to rake Kills wherever you can.

Considering the large case, should pay attention to you in learning the Champion says Kaos that many players do not get around the fact that Talons damage is reloaded to be passive. I ve seen literally as someone from beginning to end of a game (W) rake and immediately thrown (Q) Noxian Diplomacy, he recalls. In fact, weaving between cars skills is crucial to stop the bleeding of (P) Blade s End to process quickly.

And there you have it - everything you need to know to Talon jungle to play in the age after Gore Drinker and Conqueror. If you want to see the master in action, you can watch Kaos Twitch channel here.


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