In the extension roofs of the city (Year 3: DLC # 3) for Anno 1800 you can build first skyscrapers . As soon as you have reached more than 5,000 investors, the eccentric Donald 'Donny' Bader is speaking to speak and initiates the first steps in the way. Since more than 5,000 investors are needed to build skyscrapers, the extension is clearly expanding the high-level content (endgame). For skyscrapers you need new building material, namely elevators, which are made in a production line. Both engineer and investor apartments can be upgraded to skyscrapers. Practical: You increase the number of population without any room for new residential buildings. The skyscrapers themselves are modular. You can be removed several times until you reach your maximum height. Investor skyscrapers can consist of five modules / levels, engineer skyscrapers from three. The appearance of the modules can also be changed. _ It is also possible to reduce a skyscraper or turn it back to a normal resi